In the city of Prathistanapuram on the bank of the holy river Narmada there lived a Vysya called “Dharma” who also known as Chudamani. He lived a very pious life and following the scriptures. Dharma and wife were blessed with every happiness but children. He approached chyavana Maharshi, Dharma worshipped Sri Maha Vishnu and was blessed with a son who was named Dharmanandana. Chyavana Maharshi taught him vedasm, sritis and Dharma Sastras in his Ashram.

One day Dharmanandana went to the forest ot collect Dharbha, wood, flowers and fruits for his Guru. There he heard the cries of a Brahmin. A tribal was dragging him to sacrifice him to a Kshudra Devatha (Goddess of Demons) for his personal ends. Having realized that one has to protect the holy cow and a Brahmin, Dharmanandana entreated the tribal to leave the Vipra (Brahmin) and offered himself for the sacrifice and got the pious Brahmin released and followed the rribal.

As it was destined by God, the king of that region was seen approaching the tribal. The tribal feared danger. He immediately put Dharmanandana in a cave and closed it with a big rock. The king saw the tribal. He suspected the tribal as he was sitting among the branches of a tree and ordered him to be killed after an enquiry for which the fellow could not answer properly. As the king did not know that Dharmanandana was in the cave behind the rock, he left the place. Now the Brahmin was left to his fate. The only thing a pious devotee knows in case of a problem is to pray God. So Dharmanandana started doing penance. At that time the king of Nagas Vasuki was on his way to see Adi Sesha. Finding a big rock obstructing his way; Vasuki broke the rock with his powerful sight. Dharmanandana, who was in his meditation found Vasuki and prayed him and told him about his ordeal. The Nagaraju was pleased and took Dharmananda to pathala Loka where Adi Sesha was the ruler. Dharmananda praised Adi Sesha with his prayers. Then Adi Sesha said, “Dharmanandana Dharma alone reaches the abode of the Lord Paramatma. Vedas radiated such Dharma, which leads to Sadgathi i.e., the journey to the abode of bliss. Brahmanas safeguard Vedas by reciting them as well as by teaching them to others. In order to safeguard such a Vedic Scholar, you were ready to lay down your life. Your life. Your life is blessed. Hence askl me any boon you like.” Through him, Dharmanandana heard the entire episode of

Sri Vasavi Kanyakaparameswari from the beginning of the creation to the future happening of Kanyaka parameswari entering the holy fire, that is, the entire story of Vysya Vamsam. He was also blessed with the death at his own choice. With the helop of Nagas he returned home. He narrated the happening to his Guru and his parents. After led a saintly life as decreed by Dharma Dharmananda was born as ‘Somadatta' in his next birth. Somadatta was a great decvogee of Lord shiva. Samadhi prayed Goddess Parameswari. She blessed him with the capacity of destroying the evil Sanga Vamsam. In his next birth Samadhi was born as the great KUSUMA SHRESTI of Penugonda, the father of Goddess Kanyaka Parameswari. After that janma he attained the eternal bliss that is Moksha.


Paramatma, the creator of all, created the best of all, the man. He modeled him taking utmost care. Brahma ordai9ned Angirasa, Vasista and Apararka as the Gurus of Brahmin, Kshatriyas and Vysyas respectively. Maharshi Apararka imparted Vysya the knowledge of selling and buying, the distinction between sin and benevolence, how to follow Dharma, performing pious and good deeds. He instructed them that they could clear off the Rishi Runam (the owes to Rishis) through Veda Purana Sravanam (listening to Vedas and Puranas), dues to their ancestors by improving their Vamsam through Veda Purana Sravanam (listening to Vedas and Puranas), dues to their ancestors by improving their Vamsam through begetting Sathsanthanam and dues to Gods (Devatha Runam) by performing all the sacred rituals. Vysyas shuld take care of cows, peform righteous business, follow Dharma and Nyaya, and perform cultivation at the right time to benefit all the prople in the society. Apararka Maharshi instructed the Vysyas as follows : Cow is the embodiment of all Gods. So, they must protect cows and perform “Go Puja”. They must do business in the righteous way. They must have righteous behaviour. They must cultivate at the business in pearls, diamond gums and other costly stones with good time sense and care.

They must treat only that amount as their earning which is left over after being used for Dharma Karyams. Even out of this, a part must be kept aside as caution deposit and they perform their business with the remaining. They should not be satisfied with what they have earned righteously. They should enjoy well. They should earn well for their old age when they are young in the same way, as one will earn during the day for the night. Most importantly Vysyas must earn Punyam for the sake of happiness in the Para Loka. Thus the Maharshi exhorted Vysyas to peform their duties for God and the society, following Dharma.


Once Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vysyas went to Brahma Loka to see Brahma. At that meeting, Vysyas ridiculed Brahma Loka to see Brahma. At that meeting, Vysyas ridiculed Brahmans in a very abjuring manner. 102 Gotrajas covered their faces and tried to obstruct the others in mild way. The Brahmans in the number of Gotras. 612 of these Vysya Gotrajas abused the Brahmans in a very abjuring manner. 102 Gotrajas covered their faces and tried to obstruct the others in a mild way. The Brahmans cursed the 612 Gotrajas. The remaining 102 Gotrajas appeased them. Then the Brahmans were pleased with them and said that these 102 Gotrajas will remain forever on the earth gloriously. They will enter the sacrificial fire for the sake of a celebrated maiden. Later on their generations will be gloriously known forever as 102 Gotrajas. Others of course do not enter the fire and hance they will perish. Thus the Vysyas are well known as people of 102 gotras.


These Vysyas of 102 Gotras worshipped God Shiva as advised by Aparaka Maharshi attained them Somadatha, a great devotee of Shiva, desired to marry Prabhavathi, the daughter of “Vyraju”. He sent his wide messengers to him in this regard. But Vyraju could not accept to the match for fear of the Gandharva king. Then Lord Shiva celebrated Somadatha's marriage with Prahbhavathi in the middle of a celestial hall with five Kalpatharus as pillars in the presence of Ambika and Lakshmi. Shiva decreed that thereafter Vysyas should marry in the marriage hall with five stupas or pillars. Hence the marriages are thus celebrated as destined by Lord Shiva. Somadatha and Prabhavathi lived together to be a very ideal and pious couple. In his next janmas Somadatha was born as “Somadhi” and “Kusuma Shresti”, before he secured Kaivalyam.


Kantha, the daughter of Prabhavathi and Somadatha grew up to be an exceedingly beautiful and pious girl. She become as charming as Sachi Devi, the wife of Indra as the attained her youth. She learned all the 64 arts and spent her time in the devotion of Lord Shiva.

One a full moon night, she visited the beautiful flower garden along with her maids. There played on her Veena named, ‘Kalavathi' in praise of Shiva. Her music was so fascinating that a gandharva called “Chitrakantha” was so wholly fascinated by her music and fell in love with her and requested Somadatta for her daughter's hand. But the Vysya community rejected his proposal. Chitrakanta looked at Keerthi with pleading eyes but in vain. The angry Gandharva then cursed the Vysyas to leave Kailasam and live on the earth and perish in fire along with a maid. The Vysyas retaliated by cursing him to born in the family of low birth and die a miserable death. This mutual exchange of curses will be for the good of human community, so said the Maharshis there.

As ordained by Maharshi Kanva, Somadatha decided to perform the marriage of his daughter Keerthi Kantha with his nephew Sudantha. But Sudantha suddenly became ill and very weak. Then Nandeeswara, realizing that it was the illusion (maya) set by the frustrated Gandharva, placed the couple in the holy garden of Parvathi for seven days. The maya disappeared and the two became ever brighter. Nandeeswara then told the secret to the 102 Gotraja Vysyas that Keerthi Kanta and Sudantha were no other than Parvathi Parameswara. Their marriage was celebrated in highly grand manner.


In the ancient yugas the luminous Vysya, Dharmanandana, worshipped God in the abode of Sankara, that is Kailasa, and attained Siva Sayujyam. The same celebrity become known as Somadatha in Kailasam.

Somadatha took his rebirth as Samadhi in Swarochisha Manvantharam. He befriended kind Suradha who become the next Manu Savarni. He served Maharshi Medha in his asharam and pleased Parameswari Ammavaru. He was blessed by her to attain the jnana without arrogance or prejudice in the next birth. Accordingly Samadhi took his birth the skies rained fragrant flowers. Hence he was named Kusuma Sresti.

Kusuma Shresti ruled over the kingdom with 18 cities with his great power and capacity to the delight of his people. His capital was Penugonda. Kusuma Shresti was a greatly learned and wise man. He learnt Vedas, Vedangas and soon become the most illustrious in the Vysyas. He married Kausumbhi (Kusumamba). The daughter of another great vysya Main Kundala. The two were blessed with every happiness and prosperity except the bliss of having children.

The couple worshipped all Gods. They performed many sacrifices. They performed many Putra Kamesti Yagas as advised by Bhaskaracharya. The first parents (Adi Dampathulu) Sri Parvathi Parameswara were immensely pleased and Jagadamba appeared in person out of the sacrifical fire and presented the couple two Kalpaka Phala (the fruit of the Sacrifice). As a result Kusumamba became pregnant. The couple worshipped their family deities Nagareswara Swamy and Janardhana swamy.

Mahashakti Parvathi, herself was born as Vasavi Kanyakamba as the daughter of Kusuma Sresti and Kusumamba in Penugonda town on the banks of holy river Godavari on Firday, the Shukla Paksha Dasami of Vaisakha Masam in the year 4121 of the Kaliyuga. Sri Vasavi Kanyakamba punished the wicked king Vishnu Vardhana and saved the 102 Gotra families of the Vysyas by blessing them with all the comforts and peace and thus safeguarding the whole of the universe.

Mother Vasavamba in the Kritha Yuga killed the dangerous Chanda, Munda, Mahi and so many Rakshasas who were the enemies of the earth. In this Yuga, she is destroying Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Mada and Matsarya-the six devilish enemies in man. For this purpose she has taken Proddatur as her holy abode. She is receiving the Pujas and other offerings from the people of the town in a very glorious and distinctive manner. She blesses the people with all comforts, such as blessing with seasonal rains, good harvests and all the riches they need and to enjoy.

The Parthisthapana Dinotsavam of Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari is being celebrated in a grand and glorious manner every year in Sravana Masam on the Shukla Saptami (the 7 th day of first Lunar fortnight). That dayThere will be Abhishekam and Utsava Vigraha of Devi will be decorated and placed on a pedestal outside the sanctum sanctorum. Ganapathi Puja, Kalasa Sthapana, Swasthi Vachakam (purifying ritual), Ganapathi Homam, Navagraha Homam, Rudra Homam, Chandi Homam, Chandi Parayanam (recital the 700 slokas written by rishis in praise of Chandi – another form of Goddess Durga, Baliharanam, Purnahuti, Suvasini Puja and Kalasa Udvasana will be performed by learned Veda Pandits.

This day is the birthday of Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari. This festival is perfomed in the temple of Ammavaru in the same way as mentioned above. There will be special archana by Suvasinis and Sri Lalitha Sahasra Name Kumkuma Archana.All the Vysyas will perform that day at home as well as if it were the birthday of their daughter. Ammavaru is the dauther of all the 102 Gotraja, isn't she? All the Vysyas visit Ammavarisal (i.e., the temple of Ammavaru ) to have her darshan. They participate in the Suprabhata Seva and witness the Shodashopachara Pujas (16 varieties of Puja) of Jagadamba and receive her blessing with Prasadam. They perform puja in the evening as well. They have to perform Vasavamba Puja at home as well on this day. This is a precious day to perform Sri Vasavi Vratam.

This day is performed with great solemnity. All the puja rituals are as usual. All the Vysyas gather and witness the puja with great devotion and thankfulness for goddess KanParameswari who sacirifced herself along with them all the senior Nagaras of 102 Gotras to uphold the sanctity of Vysya Kulam. We remember all of them.One thing we have to bear in mind. We adore and treat the Goddess not as some supreme power far away from us resting far above somewhere in the universe. She is our child. Our daughter. She is the one who was born in our own house. She, our daughter, sacrificed and offered herself to the flames so that our family may remain pure and untarnished. In that spirit the day is solemnized.

This puja is performed every Tuesday night. Utsava Vigraha of ammavaru is decorated, placed in the Palanquin and taken round the sanctum sanctorum (Garbha Gudi) three times in a procession. Devi Puja is performed chanting 108 holy names of Her (Astothara Satanamavali Puja). Manthra Pushpam and 10 Aarathis will be given. Then the donors of the day will perform puja to the Utsava Vigraham with 108 gold flowers and 108 silver flowers to chanting of the holy names of Ammavaru. Archakas will perform Kumkuma Archana. Later Prasadam will be given to the donors as well as those present at the Pooja.

The donors will hand over the 102 kalasams with milk and curd to the Archaka Swamis to perform Abhishekam. Lalitha sahasra Namavali and Lalith Asthothra namavali puja (1000 names puja and 108 names puja) will be performed to Ammavaru followed by Mantra Pushpam and Maha Mangala Aarathi. Later Prasadam will be distributed to the donors and others.

Every Friday night Archana will be Performed in the name of the donors. Utsava Vigraham, decorated fully, with dazzling jewels and colourful flowers, will be placed in the Palanquin and carried twice round the garbhagudi. Astothara Satanamavali Pooja will be performed. 10 specially grand Aaarathi's will be given to Amma. Then follow mantra pushpam and Maha Aaarathi. Prasadam will be distributed to the donors and the devotees present on the occasion. For the Prasada viniyogam on Friday there is a special traditional order. Ganapakula(profit) gotram, Pendlikula (Gotram of Ammavaru) Midhunukula (Gotram of Her meternal uncle) Punaga sila, Kanya, Balanagaram, Stalam, Parastalam will be uttered. Prasadam will be given thrice to these Gotrajas in order first. In case of absentees some other person will be given. Then only other devotees will get Prasadam


It has been a long Cherished desire of the Vysyas of Proddatur to see Vasavamba taken around in a Golden Chariot. The dream has been fulfilled at last. It is a sight to be seen when Ammavaru (Utsava Vigram) is decorated in full attire with the dazzling jewels and bright shining silk Saree in her golden Chariot. As described in the Puranas. The two horses are the Sun and the Moon. The four faced Brahma sits high on the driving seat and drives the Chariot of Ammavaru around the celestial streets of the universe. We get the same feeling when Ammavaru is seated in the newly acquired golden Chariot on every Sunday and Thursday evenings. The Chariot will be pulled slowly and steadily thrice around the Sanctum Santorium to the music of Nadswaram.
This special pooja takes place before the selected donors, their relatives, the elite of the town and members of the Sabha. After the three Pradakshinas, Ammavaru will be worshiped to the Chanting of 108 names in the name of the Gotrams of the donors. Then Mantrapushpam and Maha Mangala Aarathi will be given. Last but not least there will be prasada viniyogam to all the persons present.

History of the Temple : KANYAKA PARMESWARI AALAYAM (Ammavari Shala)
Parameswara, Shiva Sankara, has sent down a small flow of water from his rounded plaits(Jatas) where he had stored the holy Ganga , to this holy town of “BHRADHNAPURI” which later on is being called Proddatur meaning almost the same in Telugu.Bradhna is the Sanskrit form for Proddu in Telugu which means Surya. In Tretayuga, Sri Rama Chandra halted here at Sun rise on his way to Ayodhya after killing Ravana. Hence the name Bradhna puri. Now coming to the flow of water from the Jetajutam of Adi Shankara small dhara became a river and is called Pinakini (now called Penna). The town is on its northern bank of the river.
Proddatur is well known not only in Andhra Pradesh but also throughout India for its great business. Especially gold and Cotton for its culture and poets. The business is mainly made progressive and prosperous by the 102 gotrajas of Vysyas.
If Penugonda on the bank of the river Godavari, is the birth place of “Akhilandeswari”, Adi Parashkthi Kaknyaka Parameswari, this Proddatur on the bank of Pinakini is the incarnation Playfield for her who is here as Her incarnation is called most dearly as Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari. With her blessings, Brahmana, Kshetriya, Vyasya, Sudra and People of other religions are flourishing here. This is the main stay for the 102 gotrajas. There is a popular saying here in this area that one who comes here for a living will never leave it. One must just know how to make a living and Ammavaru will look after the rest of the things. Now we are going to get acquainted with Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari Devi temple in the prosperous town, Proddatur.
Late Sri KAMI SETTY KONDIAH SRESTY was a devoted and a great Vysya here, one day Knayaka Parameswari dawned into his dream and asked her to build a temple in this town. Accordingly a vast temple for her ……………., built in the year 1890. A.D. From then the “Shala” as it is popularly known expanded traditionally and in the modern style, later on many Vigrahas have been added in the temple to raise its glory.
The basement of the temple is about 10 feet above the ground level. The ceiling is based on wide and round pillar which can not fully.

Be taken into two arms of a man with the longest arms. The ‘Shala is built on a square, Rangoon teak wood rafters are used to support the ceiling. Every vastu (the ancient science of building) principle has been followecd meticulously. The building has been so beautifully built that it has been a holy abode for the Goddess. For those who come under her shelter it is KALPAVRUKSHA the heavenly tree which fulfils every wish instantly. For HER devotees it is a Kamadhenu, the celestial cow of the heaven who can grant every desire of HER Bhaktas, for HER devotes the temple of hers is Parasuvedi the holy touchstone. Chintamani. This is a medical laboratory which produces elixir to cure all physical, mental and spiritual diseases.
The temple is the landmark of Proddatur with its tall and impressive tower. The devotees can see it from a long distance. This tower which houses the stone built spiral steps was constructed during the tenure of Late Sri Kopparapu Subbaiah as the President of the Arya Vysya Sabha of Proddatur. The tall stone pillar which has spiral steps around, it is awe-inspiring. This tower has been adopted as symbol by the APSRTC Depot for their buses. The same is being used by newspapers whenever they refer Proddatur. Some business concerns also use this symbol as a mark of special note since Proddatur Ammavarisal tower means Proddatur and vice versa.
Highly elevated pials, next to them are two majestic doors which can be only seen in palaces. Quite in front of the eastern door, there is the sanctum sanctorum of Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari the main deity on an elevated place. It is beautifully built with an appealing sculpture. Inside you will find the principal deity. The morning sunlight washes Her feet.
Sri Ammavaru is worshipped according to Smartha Agama Tradition of pooja. Everyday Shodashopachara Puja is performed. Devotees have her darshan and present her their wishes. Ammavaru who is kind to all her devotees grant their wishes soon. The devotees fulfil their vows and present her to their utmost mite.
If we worship and pray God with good and pure thought, god dawns on us good sense. This mutual sadbhava or good feeling between god and devotee results in the benefit of the people. By archana god/goddess will be pleased. Our lives will become fruitful on account of such a thing. Thus the 102 gotraja Vysyas will be eligible for the mercy of the Goddess. On either side of the entrance of the garbha gudi, Veerabhadra Swamy (southern side) and vighneswars (northern side) are standing guard to Vasavamba. Opposite to the second main entrance the aalayam of Sri Nagareswara Swamy, the principal deity of 102 Gotraja Vysya gives darshan. Nagareswara swamy is worshipped and respected by all and receives daily Abhishekam, Pujas and Nyvedyam. On important pious days special poojas are performed. There is Dwaja Sthambam in front of Nageswara Swamy Aalayam.
There are four broad and majestically tall and impressive four main pillars in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Kanyaka Parameswari. The space enclosed therein has a special prominence. In case of any disputes it is easily settled when the affected parties are seated there before elders. The jealousies, differences are easily erased.
They will come to an understanding and a mutually amicable and workable solution will be arrived at. The seeds of love and trust will be rejuvenated. That is the special effect of the place in front of Kanyakaparameswari Devi. That space between those four pillars is hence regarded by all with great veneration. Any individual with a heavy heart sits there praying for a while will be lightened. Such a phenomenon is rarely found anywhere else. This is the effect of the goddess. We are ever indebted to the goddess.
It is always fine to have done something good for the society. It gives us a kind of solace and fills our heart and soul with sweetness. Not only that, to know about such people, remember them often is as good as doing good. That gives us the same amount of happiness. Their live exhorts us to be good and do good. The footmarks of the great left behind in the desert sand of our lives will guide us to our goal.

Some take birth here to fulfill their past life boons.
For the same reason Sri Vasavi took birth and fulfilled the boon.
Once Kusuma Shresthi was the head of Penugonda in A.P.
Being a Vaishya he earned a lot but had no children.
Family deity Shri Koraateeswari told him in the dream to perform Yagna.
The couple performed the Yagna with the help of Bhaskaracharya.
Lord Shiva and Parvathi blessed them and gave Prasada.
Kusumamba ate the Prasada and gave birth to Twins.
The son was named as Viroopaksha and the daughter was as Vasavi.
The heavenly voice told that Vasavi is the Shakti herself.
Bhaaskaracharya started education at the age of 5.
Viroopaksha was married to Ratnavati.
Once the king Vishnuvardhana visited Penugonda.
There the king saw Vasavi during the welcome ceremony.
The king fell in love with Vasavi for her stunning beauty.
He ordered his minister to arrange his marriage to Vasavi.
If she refuses the marriage bring her by force.
Listening to the minister the parents of Vasavi got worried.
The Vaishyas decided to sacrifice themselves to protect dharma.
Young Vaishyas requested the king for two month's time for the marriage.
The king agreed to it
The couple of 102 Gotras were ready to die with Vasavi.
At that time Vasavi showed them her divine Shakti Roopa.
She told them that Vishnu Vardhana has to die for his curse.
102 couple of the Gotras and Vasavi jumped into the fire.
Vishnuvardhana left his kingdom to marry Vasavi and helted at Bhagnapuri.
At midnight he was killed by Shiva Shakti.
The king's son performed the death ritual and crowned Viroopaksha.
He treated Vasavi as Goddess & constructed a Temple.
The Gotra Vyshyas took the ashes and went to pious rivers.
They brought 101 Lingas from Kasi & installed them in Penugonda.
Some of them carried the Ganga water with them.
Linga bearers are Mailars & Water, bearers are Veeramushtis.
These are the chief people in Vasavi Devi's Festivals

vasavi matha

Main Aim Of The Site
From any part of the world, you are enabled to know about the Uthsavams and Poojas offered to the Godess, Sri Vasavi Kanyakaparameshwari in the temple located in Proddatur. We intend that all of you visit this temple and seek the blessings of the Godess.

Main Attraction of the Temple
The Uthsavams celebrated here for Dasara festival is the main attraction of the temple.The Uthsavam is celebrated for 9 days, famously known as "Devi Navaratrulu". These are equally famous as the Usthavams celebrated in Mysore.

Importance Of the Temple
The sacred temple of Sri Vasavamba was constructed in the year 1890.
People of proddatur trust that, anyone with any sort of problems or difficulties in their life may just have the darshan of godess and sit in front of godess will definetly get their problem solved.